Beside the Root of the Volcano

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3844

Fred knows that many beasts reside within the Mountain Chain of the Shreken, that a multitude live within the Southern Caves and its tributaries branching into this subterannean world. He looked back from where this lavaflow had been born, he thought of the strange door that seemed to be built into the side of the volcano. He shook his head. Better to go down, to find the Dragon and kill it as swiftly as possible.

Fred pondered some of the Teachings he learned about the Beast: it lives in the cold earth, surrounded by rock and dirt and the Things that dwell in dirt. Some say it is icy cold in the deepest depths, others that the deeper one goes the hotter it becomes. We do not know, for no one has ever gone so far down and returned.

As Fred gripped the handles of the ladder he determined that he would be the first to return.

After some time his arms and legs ached with the effort of stabilizing the heaviness of his armor and the bulk of his pack. Finally the ladder came to an end and he placed his feet on solid ground. Looking up he saw the reddish glow of the lava up in the heights. Looking around he saw that the walls held a lichen that glowed blue-white with light. Though much darker than above, his eyes quickly adjusted.

The air was warm, stuffy as if not well ventilated. Fred knew he had to keep that in mind, if the air gave out so would he. The chamber was large, much of it seemed natural as if it had been hollowed out by a flow. Looking to his right he saw that steam rose from the walls and the noxious odor was much stronger here, he guessed that this was a root of the subterannean volcano. The hollowed tubes led into three distinct paths. He also noted that a fourth passage had been worked, the walls were cut and there were beams of metal that seemed to support the opening.

  1. Fred chooses a passage...

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