Master of Rats

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 38181

"Hello, Mister Rat." Amy said. "My name is..."

The rat hissed at her and seemed to be on the verge of leaping at Amy's jugular when a voice rang out "Down boy! Down!"

Amy turned to see a repulsive middle-aged man dressed in black robes. He was wearing a necklace of skulls and held a staff fashioned from the legbone of a massive beast. His wizened face contorted in glee as he looked Amy up and down with his gleaming opaque eyes.

"Allow me to introduce myself!" he laughed. "I am Drakenrot, the evil Master of Rats! And you have encroached in my domain, child."

Amy gulped in fear as she saw dozens of big red eyes gleaming in the darkness behind him. More giant rats! And further down the corridor, veritable hundreds of smaller rats hissed and squeaked and skittered about.

"Um... nice to meet you, sir." Amy lied. "My name is Amy Gupta. That's um... a very nice army of rats you have assembled there, sir."

"It is, isn't it?" Drakenrot cackled. "Fear not child, I will not harm you. I have no sexual desire for humans... living humans anyway. I could let you serve as a meal for my little friends, but that would be a terrible waste, wouldn't it? Ya, mmm. Instead, I am going to..."

  1. "Teach you the ways of Rat Magic."
  2. "Put you to work cleaning the Rat Lair."
  3. "Turn you into a mutant ratgirl assassin."
  4. "Perform hideous experiments upon you involving massive amounts of macaroni and cheese. You like mac & cheese, don't you Amy?"
  5. "Hmm... you know what? I'm going to let you serve as a meal for my little friends after all. Ya, mmm."

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