King Emry Threatens Velus

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3694

The King stood in front of the small hut built above an underground waterfall. He had Velus in his left arm. His right hand held a knife to the dog's throat.
"Come on out, Fred!" Emry called. "I can smell you! I know you're watching me! Come out now or your little doggy friend gets it!"
Fred appeared from behind a column of rock that, for no clear reason, looked like his mother.
"I'm here. Put Velus down now."
Emry put Velus down. The dog ran for Fred and hid behind the column of rock.
"What is it you want, 'Majesty'?"
"Oh, just ultimate power, all that. Once I kill the dragon, I can use it's still beating heart to remove the creative processes of all humanity. Thus making them my slaves."
"Well, that's pretty stupid."
"Nuh-uh! I had a thousand of my best siblings work on the idea."
"Oh, the plan is pretty clever but it was dumb to tell me everything. I'll just have to stop you now and I know how."
"Oh, I knew that. What's the point of getting power if no one tries to stop me?"
The king turned and lept off the edge.
Fred ran forward. The king was halfway down the waterfall, gliding on orange, metallic wings.
Fred picked up a small rock and flung it in frustration.
It bounced off the fleeing 'king's' skull. "Ow, goddamit!" he cried, then vanished into a small tunnel.
Fred turned around. Might the hut hold any more clues as to how to defeat the 'king'?

  1. Who knows? Let's enter.
  2. Who cares? The risk of booby traps are too great. Leave it alone.
  3. The hut leaps off the edge, sprouts wings and flies away.

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