
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 36693

"Well... were they regular orcs?" Rami asked with some concern. "Or Uruk- Hai?"

"No, just your ordinary, run-of-the-mill garden variety sort of orc." Borgatron 5000 said. "Boy, I really felt like jobbin' them in the noggin! But I am not allowed to do anything without orders. Professor Z was quite adamant about it, ever since his last Borgatron nabbed off with half his lab and a priceless dimension-travelling device."

"I see." Rami said, adjusting her thin-frame glasses (purchased at Lenscrafters).

"So it's really the dog's bollocks that you found me." Borgatron said. "What's your story anyway, miss?"

Before Rami could say anything, she heard the growls and scrapes of savage orcs running up the passageway. The orcs burst into the cave - eight of them, clad in bearskin armor and wielding cavestone axes.

"Just give me the word, miss." Borgatron said, flexing his muscles.

"You wait!" the lead orc said. "We no want fight. We on strike. Big Dragon- Boss no give us food and shinies."

"Kill theys anyway, Boss!" said a young orc as he hefted his axe. "The girlie looks tasty, and we can hack tin-man apart for shinies!"

"You know how we orc end up whenever we fight at these odds!" the lead orc said. "Maybe if five to one... hmmm. Hey, you shut up!"

Rami's heart was beating so fast she thought it would burst out of her chest, splattering blood and vital organs everywhere. It was one thing to read about an orc - and something entirely different to face a gang of the massive beasts. Just how far could she trust Borgatron's combat capabilities? Turning to the cyborg she said...

  1. "Get 'em, Borgatron!"
  2. "Um... I think we should hear them out."
  3. "Let's run away!"

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