The Handsome Man

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 36506

"Oh, a girl!" shouted the red-haired man who, to Amy's disgust, was chained naked to the wall. He seemed happy to see her.

"Oh, no, you?" she asked.

"Aye, it's me - Randy. I'm a handsome man, I am," he answered.

"Handsome to a walrus," thought Amy, thought she wasn't rude enough to say it out loud.

Amy had to decide what to do. Randy was a classmate of hers, but he had a bad tendency to show up at awkward times, especially when he wasn't wanted. There were even rumors afloat of Randy's stalker tendencies. And here he was, in the cave, naked. With the exception of the hyper- competitive Liza Maddox, there was nobody who Amy would rather see less than Randy.

Amy decides to ...

  1. ... find a way to free Randy from the chains.
  2. ... talk to Randy for a bit to figure out how he got here. She'd put off actually freeing him until she felt it was safe.

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