Bear Huntin'

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 36490

The velociraptor was overjoyed to see Baby Bear dancing about. Even a small bear was still a good meal, and they were usually soft and tender, although lacking the distinct flavour of a fully grown bear. The velociraptor lunged. Poor Baby Bear barely had time to squeal in horror before the raptor's jaws clamped around his neck, snapping it with a sickening crunch.

Before the raptor could feast, however, the door to the kitchen swung open and out came Mama Bear. She was humming cheerfully to herself with a wide assortment of bottles in her paws. She looked up to see Baby Bear's neck ripped open in the jaws of a reptilian beast. The bottles came crashing to the ground, spilling a wide assortment of spices and marinades everywhere. With a berserk, sorrowful roar Mama Bear charged. The raptor dropped the little bear and lunged for his new prey. They met, clashed - and within seconds the raptor was feasting on Mama Bear's lifeblood. "What a deal!" the raptor thought. "This much bear should last me for a while! Yum!"

As the raptor feasted hungrily, bone snapping and ligament tearing between his powerful jaws, a trap door in the ground opened up and Papa Bear ambled out of the bears' larder. He growled happily, holding a large metal cage. The raptor froze with a chunk of Mama Bear still in his mouth. This was the largest bear he had ever seen! Papa Bear towered many feet over the raptor, and had impressively long claws and teeth. Killing this bear would be a challenge, but well worth it, the raptor decided.

Papa Bear looked about and saw his family slaughtered and their blood oozing across the floor. He let loose a thunderous roar of grief and threw the metal cage at the raptor. Our dinosaur hero dodged a second too late, the thick device bouncing off his head. The raptor's head rang and lights flashed before his eyes for a second, and then he had recovered and rolled out of the way as Papa Bear attacked. Missing the dinosaur, Papa Bear crashed into the wall instead, smashing a bookcase to bits. Berenstein Bears and Winnie the Pooh books flew everywhere.

The raptor circled cautiously as Papa Bear got up groaning. He knew he had to be careful - unlike most bears, this one seemed to know how to use gadgets, just like the hairless apes did. After getting up to his full height Papa Bear charged again, letting loose a horrifying roar that startled even the raptor. But our dinosaur hero did not waver, instead lunging at the bear so that the two collided in the center of the room. The raptor immediately went for the neck, but as his jaws sank into the bear's sweet flesh he felt two massive hairy paws lock around him and squeeze with such might the raptor found he could not breathe. His spine seemed on the verge of snapping as the two struggled. The raptor wasn't about to die here though, not after having gone through so much for his dinner! He released his jaws and bit down again in a different part of the bear's neck, as Papa Bear roared in pain and squeezed even tighter if that was possible. Lights began to flash in front of the raptor's eyes. He was loosing consciousness... Furiously he bit again and again, but then everything went dark and the raptor plunged into a dizzying pool of oblivion.

When he woke up, he lay on top of a very dead Papa Bear. The creature's eyes were glazed over and his neck was almost completely detached from the raptor's bites. The raptor pulled himself out the bear's grip and looked about. Three dead bears. He felt the exhilarating rush of victory - he had enough food to last for a very, very long time! The raptor was so happy he did a little dance, hopping from hindclaw to hindclaw as he opened his mouth and hissed his exhuberance.

Amy woke up and got out of the bed. She yawned and stretched and wondered where she was.

Then she looked up and saw a huge velociraptor feasting on the bloodied carcass of the largest bear she had ever seen! Two more dead bears lay around the room in various poses of death. Amy gasped. Was she still dreaming? The events of yesterday all flooded back at once... her Quest! Amy knew that if she were to stand any chance of slaying the Dragon, she would have to find some way of dealing with this raptor.

  1. Amy approaches the raptor and tries to strike up a conversation.
  2. Amy grabs a hot fireplace poker and goes right for the raptor's throat.
  3. Amy decides that discretion is the better part of valor and runs.

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