A Narrow Escape!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3621

Fred starts to respond to the young woman's advances, then comes to himself with a start. He realizes what's going on now! This whole setup: the strange musicians, the screaming people and, most especially, this girl are all illusions. They're all part of an attempt by the dragon to distract him from his quest, probably even to lure him into a trap. And he'd almost fallen for it!

Even as Fred comes to this realization, the scene around him fades away, replaced by bare cavern walls. Fred shakes his head. The situation is worse than he'd thought. He'd been aware the the dragon might have magic at its disposal, but magic this powerful, this insidious... For the first time in the course of his quest, Lord Fred is afraid.

  1. Fred resolutely head back the way he came in, hoping to pick up the dragon's trail again.
  2. Fred investigates this chamber.
  3. Fred seriously considers backing out of the quest, at least until he can get some magical help.

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