Lord Fred The Dane

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3610

Lord Fred feels his arms shift...then he blacks out.

He awakens half in and half out of a cold pool of water. He gets to his feet, shakes his coat dry then...oh no! OH NO!

The pool of water showed him to be a great dane. He was all black, except for his snout which was beige as sand.

Velus wasn't in sight.
"Velus!" barked Fred. It came out as a bark but Fred understood it as Velus's name.
"Fred!" came another bark. It was Velus. Fred looked around. Behind a large pile of boulders was a small passageway. "Fred!" came the bark again. "It's me! Velus! Come over here! Help!"
Fred wasn't sure about it. He wasn't where he was when he came to be a dog.

How had he come here? Velus wasn't big enough to drag him. Why wasn't Velus coming down the passageway. What was going on?

  1. Fred goes down the passageway in an attempt to locate Velus.
  2. Fred questions Velus further.

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