Continued Quest

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 34381

Fred has overheard the entire conversation (his accute senses - not to mention a cute face - as well as his stupidity, were the main contributing factors to him being sent on this futile endeavor by the king). He glares at Astra, then bursts into tears and starts throwing a pitiful temper tantrum, jumping up and down like a little kid. He rips up his map and throws it at the jaunty, athletic amazon. "If I had known this is how the Aqualarian damsels reward their heroes I might have just left you chained to the wall!" he whimpers amoungst the shameful sobs of his self-pity. "I HATE YOU!" his voice shrieks out suddenly, forcing both you and Astra to cover your ears. "I HATE YOU, BOOBS! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" And then silence, broken by "I HATE YOU!" More silence. And that was that.

"Are you done?" Astra asks the undignified Lord.

Fred merely curls up into a fetal position on the ground, gently rocking himself back and forth.

You turn to Astra, and point to Fred's sword in a corner of the chamber (he had thrown it in his fit). She nods, and quickly retrieves the weapon. She slices the air a few times to get a feel for the sword, and it hums smoothly. "A fine weapon," she grins. "Let's ditch Fred before he comes to." You readily agree.

  1. You and Astra continue the Quest, Fredless...

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