Fred Scratches his Head

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 34292

You, who now inhabit the hapless body of Ranma Saotome, walk calmly out of the room, never to be seen again.

Fred scratches his head in wonderment. He looks at Belboz and says, What the Hell was that all about?

Belboz simply shrugs his shoulders and says, Hey, I'm sorry about that. I summoned Ranma Saotome like you asked; however, I have no control over what happens to him after I've summoned him. Plus, I have to be frank with you. You see, there's been this oafish spirit roaming around these caverns. He is a bit of a bogey man who goes only by the name of "YOU." He can be quite the menace and often likes to insert himself into the unsuspecting bodies of adventurers in the caverns. After possessing a soul, the apparition then wanders off in his new body, completely ruining whatever quest the adventurer may have been on. Lord Fred, I'm here to tell you that you should consider yourself quite fortunate that the ghostly "YOU" inhabited Ranma Saotome instead of you. Now you, Lord Fred, are free to continue your quest for the dragon.

Now that the threat of "YOU" has been made clear to Fred, he increases his guard. Belboz, says Fred, since my request for Ranma Saotome was thwarted, may I ask you to cast another spell for me?

Belboz gets a crafty look in his eye. He examines Fred carefully and then gives his answer.

  1. No, says Belboz. Leave my cavern at once!
  2. Of course, says Belboz
  3. Yes, says Belboz. But first you must bring me the King's own diamond scepter as payment.
  4. No, says Belboz. Unless, he says with a wink, you first let me shampoo your hair. Oooooh, but I simply must run my fingers through that luxurious, lustrous, long hair of yours!

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