
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 340

~~An abandoned shopping mall!~~ thought Fred to himself. ~~But, what IS a shopping mall?~~ Fred decided to endure the embarassment of his ignorance and asked the lava-man. "What is a 'shopping mall'?"

The lava-man's eyes widened, "C'mon buddy, you gotta know what a shopping mall is! Haven't you been to the bazaars of Zanzabaar? How about the flea circus' of Cogan? The swap-meets of the Seminoles?"

Fred replied 'negative' to each inquiry. The truth was, "Lord" Fred had led a rather sheltered life in his home duchy. The Great Kingdom was a vast empire of noble's lands and commoner's shires. He had spent the bulk of his life between his family's manor and the King's palace, and rarely did he involve himself with the commoners.

"Man-o-man," sighed the lava-man. "Have you got an education awaiting you! If you really, really want to find this dragon of yours--"

"It's not MY dragon, I want to ki--"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Anyway, if you want the dragon you're gonna need to leave the Southern Caves, ride to the Salmonshire Confederacy and look for Bob. Then you--"

"Who's Bob?"

"The Apple-Cart Man you twit! Now pay attention!"

After some time and a few extra explanations Lord Fred received the new instructions that should lead him to the basement garage of the now- abandoned "Super K" that just happened to be on the edge of the shadow- nation of Malbocton to the south.

After he left the chamber of the incredible rock formations, the lava-man sat upon a rock and began to laugh, "Chump!"

  1. After leaving the Southern Caves, mounting his horse and riding some three kilometers southward, a little light in Lord Fred's brain flipped on. "Hey....wait a minute!" he said and...

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