The Green Chair

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 33740

Having fled like a coward from the "perceived" power of Ranma Saotome, Fred finds himself to be both lost and tuckered out. Fortunately, there is a comfortable looking green chair in this location, so Fred decides to sit down and collect his thoughts.


The chair makes a sickening "Plop" sound as Fred nestles himself into the seat. It is rather damp, kind of squishy, and Fred's motions have released the distinct odor of putrescence rising out of the chair's inner regions.

Fred takes a deep inhale and knows immediately that this is the smell of a small, rotting corpse that has been stuffed into the ample cushions of the chair. But a corpse of what? Fred does not know.

Fred ponders the situation and decides....

  1. To snuggle in and take a nap
  2. To run blindly like the coward he is
  3. To examine the chair more closely
  4. To yell for help!

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