Classic Fred: Tastes Great, Less Killing

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 33737

When Belboz finds Fred, he is with a small dog and a naked redhead who looked slightly familar. When Belboz drags his eyes to her face, he realizes that she is a Princess of the Southern Lands, one where they are apparently very naive about their neighbors.
"Cosmic balance." Belboz said to himself. "Cosmic balance. My mother always told me to balance the cosmos before bedtime and to stop holding staring contests with the sun."
Belboz raises his mighty weapon. The dog and the Princess stand in front of Fred.
Due to Belboz's magical might, he could tell the dog was a sentient human being.
Still. Cosmic balance obey Mommy. Cosmic.

  1. Fire.
  2. Don't fire.
  3. Break down in tears, cursing Mommy and her constant refeering to him as 'Miss Granny Belboz'.

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