The Never Ending Quest - Episode 32172

With a loud BAMF! Fred arrives next to Astra.

"Hero to the rescue... wait... you're naked," he says his mouth opening and his tongue halway out of his mouth.

"Aieee!" she screams in fear and kicks as hard as she can, and just happens to hit Fred's naughty parts.

"Ouch," he groans and falls to the ground.

"Fred? How'd you escape?"

"Not that hard when you have cool teleportation powers," he smiles and gets up. "Here takes my jacket."

Just then they heard a sound from behind, they turned around and saw...

  1. ...evil Fred.
  2. ...Bozo.
  3. ...Captain Carrot, the world's third greatest superhero.
  4. ...the 1st Shoggoth.

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