
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3141

"I seem to have got here just in time to retrieve my property," said Rift smoothly. "Your property?" queried Notch, raising an eyebrow. "They belong to me, and are to be sold at tomorrow's slave auction." "No, they belong to me. We were on a journey, but were ambushed by bandits. I escaped, but they were captured. I recognise that man," pointing at Lester, "as one of the bandits."

Roddy frowned in his hiding-place. Rift would probably recognise him as well. Sadly, he came to the conclusion that it was time to make himself scarce and to try to forget about the gold pieces. He quietly slipped away, out into the street.

"You were on a journey?" asked Notch sceptically. "What would take a townie like you away from Walants? It must have been something very important." "None of your business," replied Rift, not about to reveal the existence of Minestus's hoard. "I don't suppose you have any paperwork to prove your ownership?" asked Notch. "I don't suppose you do?" countered Rift.

Astra thought it might be possible to turn this situation to their advantage. She spoke up:

  1. "Rift, if you want us to keep your business private, you will arrange to have us released - NOW! Even if it costs you."

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