Fred Joins A.L.I.E.N.

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 30697

Supervisor 134, a tall green-skinned alien man, asks Fred if he would like to join A.L.I.E.N.

"What does A.L.I.E.N. stand for?" Fred asked suspiciously.

"Astronomical Legionare of Intelligence and Entropy Negation," Supervisor 134 replied.

"Oh," replied Fred, a little shocked that this guy actually knew the acronym. "Well, what is S.A.T.A.N. then?"

Supervisor 134's green-tinted eyes widen. "How in the world do you know about that?"

Fred answers--

  1. "Entropy is on my side. Wink Wink"
  2. "I have contacts with 666 people."
  3. "I know everything."
  4. "A voice in my head told me."
  5. "I exist in several parallel universes."
  6. "I'm going to kill myself now."

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