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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 30679

"It's quite simple," said the fungus. (It was able to communicate with Fred despite lacking vocal cords because it was telepathic.) "You know how you humans reproduce by sticking parts of yourselves into each other? Well, we fungal humanoids reproduce by sending little spores into living beings like you where they gradually feast on your flesh. It's much less messy and leads to far fewer emotional issues. Except for the people it kills, but they don't really count."

"That's gross!" said Fred. "I don't think I'd like that. I'll go look for Astra."

"It's too late," said the fungus. "I've already infected you. Rather a shame, really, but you know how it is."

(Ironically, unbeknownst to both Fred and the fungus, the spore that had infected Fred contained the reincarnated soul of an alternate-universe Astra who had been killed by her own universe's Fred. In the form of a fungal spore, she was not really sentient enough to feel anything more than vague irritation. But that's neither here nor there.)

"Ick! Cooties!" shouted Fred.

  1. He runs off to find a stream to wash off in.
  2. He promptly forgets about both the fungus and Astra and goes chasing after a cave moth.
  3. Since this particular species of fungal humanoid is telekenetic as well as telepathic, Astra-the-fungus's irritation has disasterous (no pun intended) consequences.

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