
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 30514

An arrow from an unseen adversary whistles through the air and plunges into Fred's knee. The sudden pain drove him to the ground. Manly tears poured from his eyes as his mind grappled with the injustice that had pieced his joint and torn through his tendons.

After a minute of agony, Fred poked his head above the small stone wall. His eyes darted back and forth, longing to find his hidden enemy. But all he saw was shadows.

With great anguish Fred broke the arrow's shaft and slid its other half through. His own blood pulsed out. He regretfully retrieved Joanna's kerchief. She had gifted it to him upon his departure. Bathed in her scent, the light fabric was soon saturated in his blood as he wrapped and tied it around his wound.

Fred hobbled out of the cave, pulled himself onto his horse, and trotted to the nearest monastery. There the blessed sisters of St. Theresa the Chaste tended his wound and other manly frustrations.

After a week's recuperation, Fred sheepishly returned to the capital city of Allaria with only failure and regret in his treasure sacks. Still strong, but lacking in mobility; still clever, but without audaciousness. Fred began his new life in semi-retirement as

  1. a town guard.

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