A bug that shot rocks

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 29837

The first room inside the monastery was large, square spare and decrepit. Several square holes were in the wall. The green floor was scarred from flames and sword strikes. Chains hung from the ceiling, rattling in the breeze that came through the door.
There was one door on the far side. Fred went for it but there was movement. A spider, with a tube for a face, leapt out of one of the holes. It was a foot round and a foot high. It spat a grey rock at him. Fred brought up his sword. The rock bounced off the lower right. Fred charged, not wanting to use the magic in his sword. One swing and the creature was a mess of crap.
It had been lugging a tiny bomb! Fred knew of these. Light one end, throw it and then ka-blooey! Fred placed the bomb in his backpack, then went to the door.

  1. It opened onto a bridge over spikes.
  2. It was locked.
  3. It opened from the other side. A fat-assed creature with a spear appeared.

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