Just Say No to Nuns and Violence

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 2967

“Kung-Fu Karate Chop!” Fred roared as he took out the guard with a mighty blow to the trachea. He liked to give his attacks names, to give them a personality, if you will. It was a little game he played.

Soon enough the man was stripped of his armor and Fred was ready to infiltrate the heathens’ camp - incognito-style, baby. Fred made it past the outer defense points without a hitch. He flashed an I.D. badge at a couple of check points and they ushered him on through. Just when he thought that this was going to be easy he felt a large hand land on his shoulder. He nearly fell over from the sheer weight of it! He reeled around to behold the biggest, ugliest, smelliest troll he’d ever laid eyes on (the heathens were known to employ trolls and ogres and Canadians).


“Ball-Smack Ninja-Grab!” Fred roared as he punched the troll in crotch, grabbed his scrotum, and yanked really hard. The troll doubled over and fell backwards with a mighty THUD! Fred wisely left the scene of the incident, and luckily no one seemed to have noticed his act of violence. He whistled nonchalantly as he scurried away.

The camp was huge, crowded, and unorganized. And Fred...well, he hadn’t the foggiest notion of where they might keep their sniveling little leader. He was going to make that little rat squeal when he got a hold of him...but he was getting ahead of himself. He needed to focus on the here and now. The now time. The here time. The now here time. The time and now here.

“The time that is now in the here,” Fred told himself. “Just focus on the now and here.”That’s when something caught his eye. It was...a tent. But not just any tent...it was a tent advertising booze and broads. Oh dear. Fred was a raging alcoholic and a womanizer on top of that. He had a mission to complete...but boy that tent sure did look inviting...

  1. He gives in to his throbbing urges and enters the tent...
  2. He ignores the tent and moves...
  3. He ignores THAT tent but quickly finds himself before another...

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