Fred Takes the Third Shoggoth

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 2959

Seeing the Third Shoggoth naked pushed Fred right over the edge. Something inside Fred told him this was all wrong. The voice of the Second Shoggoth tried to warn him of his perilous situation. No! A Shoggoth does not have sexual desire! You have much to learn before you come into your power. She is not who she says she is. If you fall for her, you give up your birthright! You will be as good as dead!

Fred's human side fought with his Shoggoth birthright. The naked women next to him was a great temptation for his human side. However, the voice of the Second Shoggoth was slowly eating away at Fred's humanity. For a moment, he wavered... Then he made his decision. A decision that would forever change his life...

Fred decides...

  1. that the woman cannot be a Shaggoth.
  2. to forget his Shaggoth birthright and take her.

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Sir Toby

7/20/1999 9:37:00 AM

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