several were-creatures. They made a hand signal. All Allarian knights had a secret hand-signal language to communicate in times of distress. This signal meant they were friendly. (But anyone could torture the signal out of a man)...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 28908

Fred scratches his head in confusion.

"You know," he says to no one but himself, "I know I chose this option, but for the life of me I don't know why. It doesn't even make any sense,"

And with that, Fred turns around and attempts to climb back up the shaft and consult with Bruno the Bear about this strange realm at the bottome of the slide.

However, before Fred can take a second step, he slips and falls off the edge and down into the depths below.

Falling, falliing, falling, falling ...

Fred is falling ... until ...

  1. He lands

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