Narrator to the Resuce!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 28778

Just then a prudish old man wearing a brown tweed jacket and monocule stepped forward. Evil Fred readied his bow and fired. The man merely smiled.

"I'm afraid you are mistaken, and may distract our readers," said the old man.

"Who are you?!" demanded Fred.

"I, sir, am your narrator. You know that deep, rich, masculine voice explaining your predicaments?"


"Well, I am he, and you, sir, are mistaken. For, you see, a villan cannot be a hero. You are not and can never be a hero. You are evil, and evil men are never to be worshipped in fairy tales. They are anti-heros and villans, such as yourself. I bid you good day."

With that, the I step, AHEM, the narrator steps into the background and the story proceeds.

  1. The story continues with anti-hero Fred
  2. Hero Fred miraculously recovers and fights the evil Fred
  3. An Evil Narrator shoots the Hero Narrator 10 times in the back with arrows

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