Left Behind....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 26449


Ah, it will turn out that those "opposition mages" have made their move, you see. A move towards "Check", perhaps "checkmate"?


Well, chess terms aside, I do NOT have time to waste on ciphering out the fine details of this fiasco! All I know that battle has come and I must be there!

It came all too swiftly, I know, but it has come! I had been speaking with my sisters, Joan and Joan 2, about what awaited myself and my wife back upon Terra Prime once this adventure was done. I had noted that....there seemed to be more stars in the sky than I ever noticed as a human being (and I do NOT mean that it was because this was a different reality, I can gaurantee you that the constellations here were like those back in my home reality) and Joan had smiled softly and said that Gilmuriel and my other elfin analog brothers had similar things to them on occasion. Whatever I and they would have said next was swallowed up by the sounds of combat! Combat coming from Rebecca's chamber, with the sounds of suprised screams and Cuthbert's revolver being the loudest of all!


A distant part of me wonders just how I know what the last sounds like, being I've never heard those eldritch things fire....or at least I don't think I ever have....

Damn these blank spots in my mind! It's maddening.

Ah, no matter, battle calls and I answer. I and my sisters....and my love!

Fertal felt a sudden rush of adrenaline (if it could be called that) upon hearing this call of battle, a wild sensation he had never felt before quite like this! Oh, in retrospect (upon regaining his lost memories upon arriving back upon Terra Prime), he shall remember something akin to the surge as he got swept up in the flood of escaping elfin children into that Military shuttlecraft (re: 24839), as did Artizza. However, this surge of the elfin equivalent of adrenaline (a much superior brand than the human equivalent, but that is besides the point) is different in that it is mixed in with an inner knowledge that come what may from this battle, win or lose, he and his family and friends will give their enemies a battle THAT WILL SHAME THE DEVIL HIMSELF!


By the time I learn of what had happened, it was all over. I and the others who'd been with Illura had been discussing issues still facing Zendara when we hear all Hades break loose in the upper chambers. I, Scott Chen, his wife, and Alladin perhaps would have raced up the stairs IF not for the fact that our children.....

In retrospect, considering the stakes of the world and all, I guess one could argue that our duty should have dictated that we leave our little ones behind and try to join in battle to save Rebecca's life! BUT, parental instinct and love made us instead grab up our frightened little ones and make a mad dash along with the guards

Yes, with those guards we go along with, who were herding the very much protesting Regent Illura (who's Amazonian blood wanted to join in the battle along with her Amazonian battlesister, Astra) to what they feel will be a safe, defendable place, just in case yet ANOTHER assassination was in the works!

By the time we discovered otherwise (and I and the other parents realized we'd missed out), the first attempt on Rebecca's life appears to have be thwarted because we see Joan shouting down to us, saying that the assassins were dead! The demifox mages (Synizn and Andrea), along with Jarlath give off a big yell of joy as they (having dropped whatever they’d been doing in other parts of the castle and flown magic carpets out to meet the challenge....only to shout instead in consternation and point.....

.....point at the awesome, terrible sight of dragons flying their way towards the castle!!

Aladdin and I just....stare in stupefied shock and awe at the sight right there in the courtyard for a few seconds before good sense kicks in and we get the Q#$% out of sight whilst Jarlath and the other air born mages take battle to the skies!

Later we shall deduce that the dragons (what I shall, in the name of poetic justice, term as Chaos dragons to distinguish them from the other goodly dragons we shall later on encounter after this day) had been in league with the “opposition mages”. Ready to sweep in and torch the castle just in case the first desperate attempt (by the mages themselves....who somehow breeched our walls by means unknown until my dying day) failed.

If I hadn’t known that Jarlath, Andrea, and Synizn had either been trained by dragons in magery (as with the former two) or was a former dragon (as in the later with Synizn) I’d be just as amazed and stunned at how....formitable their attacks against the fearsome beasts had been! Oh, it was a long and gruesome duel in the air, but in the end....the dragons fell.....dead and blasted in dozens of places by bolts of magic.

And then......the Champions were......gone. And along with them, Rebecca and Scott Chen and family.....mysteriously vanishing into thin air as they’d appeared. A mystery for all time (except for a chosen few) on this....altered but spared world/reality.

Ah, you see I didn’t say I and my family went to Terra Prime? Well, it is this way. Chen told me about this one thing called “Disney” and how it appears that Aladdin’s (and my) business was reflected in “cartoon” tales. Uh, let’s just say I....and my family don’t need the problems and leave it at that. Sure that bright folks like you, if you think about it after what you might have heard about my earlier (evil) incarnation, you can understand why I don’t need to try to explain to all and sundry how come I’m not like that bitch any more. That and frankly, since that earlier life is over and done with.....I’d rather not muddy the water with Alladin. While I love and trust my husband with my life....I..... I am just not ready just yet. I eventually do explain, as he seems to know that something has been up with me in recent years...a change inside as the past came back and haunted my dreams and such.

In the end, he shall say that Fate had erased a grievous mistake and replaced that..... that spoiled girl known as Jasmine with the one he was meant for. Me.


Ah, yes. Scott says that Disney was sometimes known for sappy, loving endings. I’ll take mine, thanks.....

And back now on Terra Prime....

The Champions return, with Rebecca, only to find that the area where they had just left was a bit deserted due to the fact that the others had gone off in a rush when the elfin children had been kidnapped! (see episode 24895 for details) Well, when our proto-Dark Elves’ memories come back, they realize that they’d better get themselves (and the others) out of sight to avoid a time paradox (since they have no memories of meeting themselves)....

Yeah, you get the idea. Aaron backs up their claims by telling them that he himself learned of some of this business about the elfin children being kidnapped (and assures them that things turn out well enough without need of their aid) on soon upon meeting the Agent who made him a Champion (see episode 22615 for more details).

“Meeting the Doctor had been interesting,” Aaron sighs as they rush off, to lay low for a bit.

And finally after a bit of chaotic happenings around Terra Prime as well as Nantucket Earth (where several Synizns finally get struck by Cupids arrow, see episodes 25737 through 25798, using the first option in each, for some details).

Ah, but what now? What’s up?

As for the Doctor's group, well.... As promised, the elfin couple Gilmuriel and E'eysha have left the group for a while to make a go at trying to make and raise their own family for a bit, and when successful and the child (or children) have grown, they might return and continue adventuring with the Doctor. However, towards the end of getting the child..... Ah, let me remind you that Champions aren't the most fertile of folk. To address that, the elves have somehow obtained through the years the secretive (and now discouraged) ritual of "The Night of Joining", a fertility ritual that increases the chances of conception by quiet a bit!! Indeed, until recently it had been the only means of giving the elfin race on Terra Prime the ability to have a halfway decent chance of producing children (so infertile had they become due to some kind of entity.....now dead....nevermind, long story). Well, with ordinary elfin fertility now up to normal (human) standards, the ritual now isn't needed (unless the elfin couple wants a small population explosion of sorts). Well, here after a LONG effort (heh), E'eysha cries out at the last as she feels a small little elfin one form within her womb. Crying and laughing (and sweating), the elfin couple kiss and smile, only to get offered in passing by a rushed Agent 7 two cute little elfin children (the babified Azure and Quirlos)....elfin hearts meet and chose each other and the small family now grows by two!

As for the Doctor and his folks, they have a Quest back on Aylse. Long story for another time and such....

As for Jarlath's group....

Well, ‘tis simple enough for our Champions here (some at least). See, not all of the group is going out on adventures again. Some kinda wanted to catch their breath. Some like Aaron wanted to talk with the mermaid who’s body now housed the spirit of the “real” Rebecca of his old world (as well as the "real" Karen).

Author's Note: After all, he had caught a glimpse of two mermaids that would turn out to be the results of a bit of Celestrial footwork done as a compensation of sorts when your original host body gets taken over by some other spirit for some kind of strange Challenge or such (i.e. the old souls were given new, similar bodies in compensation for being "bumped"). Oh, Karen and Rebecca were still a bit....shaken by it all (and kind of remembered their old lives), but more and more they (the "real" Karen having been displaced by the Game 2 "you" and the "real" Rebecca having been displaced by that one poisoned "Stacy") saw themselves now in their rightful forms.

That said...

Scott Chen and family go off to report back to duty and in the course of things (another story entirely we need not go into right now in details) get almost swept up into a political scandal that would have laid a foundation for a coupe of sorts within Star Fleet, only to be voided by the story they (Scott and family) had already agreed upon earlier (re: 23160). Good for you, Scott!

Some wanted to enjoy their time back on Terra Prime and kind of....enjoy being just newly married and such....without the rush rush of impending danger.

That left of the old party Jarlath, Annafird, and Astra 9, joined up with Artizza and Fertal (who’d grown very fond of them). Joining with them, however, due to a prior promise by Jarlath (when the chance arose like right now) was those Light Elves, Lueoth the male elfin fighter (formerly an Aquallarian Amazonian Princess named Astra) and Ia'adoire the elfin lass (formerly a knight named Fred).

Yes, the meeting was....as funny as Astra had figured it would have been. Will have to tell you about it sometime.


Oh, and the Rule (as a favor) snaps that compulsion on the centaurs, Susan (the male nearly got caught in the magical crossfire and disintigrated. Not fair, but....that is almost what happens). She doesn't remember her former life, but at least Astra gets some relief as she..... goes off and makes friends with the one Fred analog who's now a centaur (ess) herself. Later on, Harry....

Uh, later....

Their new mission, assigned by a very overworked Agent 7? Why, go forth and help those new loves of the various Synizns with their Validation Quest, of course! AFTER, of course, they help their old and kind elfin friends with their Validation Quest, Jenny Elf’s (first) and (then) Ti’mma’s (husbands in tow, natch)!

Why so MANY quests? Why them for so many? Well, it’s like this. With all those other elfin children coming online like they’d done unexpectedly by their aging while in Dark elfin underhill capitivity, the other Champions were being utilized a lot for those new Champions wither their Validation Quests (and you know that new Champions need at least one experienced Champion to act as a leader of sorts or whatever to make it work).

Ah, but what is Jenny’s Quest? Well, seems that AFTER a little trip in a faux TARDIS (a bit of joking trickery played by Agent 7 to fool Jarlath group earlier into thinking the Doctor had been involved) to meat that red haired dwarf turned elf, Tarin Gazin (2), they’re going to go to this one Cavern where a certain Dragon seems to be on the verge of something BIG in his secret mage lab (disastrously big as in multi-world slipgate wrecking big screwup), just as soon as he finishes playing with this one winged girl named Checkers and her friends!!

  1. So.....first off to a side trip (and back in time by faux TARDIS). The dwarf turned elf had gone out back to get some relief....

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