The Gathering Darkness

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 25288

"Please let me in!" Bertha exclaimed, banging on the door. "Irena, it's me! I think someone's following me!"

"Whoah, hold yer horses there missy!" said a voice as the door opened. It was Irena's decrepit old manservant, Brodig. "Why, it's little Berthie! My how you've grown, lass! Been eatin' yer stew I see. Soon ye'll be able to kick yer ol' marm's arse, eh?"

He ushered Bertha inside and shut the door. "Now doncha worry about a thing, lil' Berthie. Missus Irena's upstairs, painting the donkey as usual. You head on up and talk to her, an' I'll bring up some tasty vittles for you ladies to snack on."

"Thanks Brodig. You're the best!" Berha said and hurried upstairs through the quaintly decorated halls to Irena's upstairs chamber. Irena was indeed engaging in her odd hobby.

"Ah! Bertha." Irena put down her brush and motioned for the donkey to leave the room. She was a handsome, thicket middle-aged woman with a menacing glint in her eyes. "What brings you here this fine morning?"

"It's my father." Bertha said quickly. "Or rather, lack thereof. He has been slain by a stranger... an Allarian, I think. It seems the events you spoke of have already been set in motion."

"Tell me exactly what happened." Irena said sharply. "Every last detail. Leave nothing out."

"Allright." Bertha sat down and began her tale.


By the time she had finished, Brodig arrived with the vittles and two steaming cups of tea. "Discussin' anything interesting, ladies?"

"Brodig, get on the line to Slyfer in Goldstadt immediately." Irena said. "Tell him the Destined One is already here, and must be found at all costs, along with Jernicus. Oh... this is all happening so fast..."

"Right!" Brodig said and scurried away.

"What exactly is going to happen now?" Bertha asked nervously.

"Listen carefully Bertha." Irena said. "Castellan has to be stopped. What he is plotting could destroy not only Vjorica, but the entire world! Can we count on your support?"

"Of course! I may be the daughter of Thelma the Brutal, but my loyalties are to the land and all the people who live here! I want to make sure everyone can go on living in peace."

  1. "Good." said Irena. "Now, this is what you must do..."

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