Scatological reasoning

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 25023

"A gold coin!" yelled Fred excitedly. "I knew there was a reason for me to find this tunnel!"

"Oh, for crying out loud!" interjected Astra. "We're in a marvelous chamber with a pool of swirling water, and the only reason you can think we're here is because you found a gold coin?"

"Of course! I mean, there's nothing special about this place."

"Nothing special!? That water is swirling for no particular reason!"

"Oh, come on haven't you heard the old Allaran saying? 'When the water flushes, the...'"

"All right, all right. I get the point. So basically, you thing this whole room is a latrine?"

"That's one way to put it."

"But who could need such a large pool of swirling water just to dump their wastes in it?"

  1. "The dragon?"
  2. "Maybe there's a giant in this cave?"
  3. "Maybe it was a public restroom for marketplace-goers?"
  4. "Don't know. Wait, did we just lose Velus?"

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