The Right Passage

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 24559

Lord Fred went down the other passage. "If this is not promising, then I shall go back to the other one. However, I have come to kill the dragon, and it does not seem to me as he lives there."

This passage was quite wide, confirming in Fred's mind that this was the 'main' passage. He lit his torch. The caverns were chilly, which was a comfortable change from the summer heat of the outside.

The torch at first burned brightly, but as he descended, the torch started to sputter and burn fitfully.

Finally, he found a dark cavern. Against one part of the wall was a pile of rubbish. There was something odd about the cavern. The dank feel and close smell of most caves was still there, but there was another smell as well, that seemed out of place. It was a strangely sweet smell, like that of a flower, but he could not quite place it.

Besides the rubbish, the cave was empty. There were three passages out of the room, counting the one by which he entered. The passage straight ahead was elevated. The bottom of the passage was at the level of his waist. On his right, the floor of the passage was at the same level as the room.

  1. Lord Fred examines the rubbish.
  2. Lord Fred turns back. He decides that the left entrance is more promising.
  3. Lord Fred enters the elevated passage.
  4. Lord Fred enters the passage on the right.

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Anableps (changing the traditional layout of the right passage)

2/29/2004 7:34:56 PM

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