Fred's Adventure - Chapter 50: Rift Takes Charge

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 2399

While Fred and Astra discussed their next move, Master Rift decided to act. Springing from the ground, he grabbed the glistening Crystallic and jumped back from the startled duo. Fred raised his sword and Astra crouched, ready to attack Rift hand-to-hand. Rift held out the Crystallic at them and its features melted like water and reformed into the shape of a four pointed crystal. Rift was amazed, and slightly scared, because then the Crystallic began to glow an unearthly orange. Fred and Astra tensed but did not come any closer. Rift noticed and grinned haughtily.

"That's right my two friends," Rift said contemptuously, "keep your distance or find out what this crystal can really do."

"As if you know what it can do," Astra replied rudely.

"I think I know enough to kill you," Rift answered and shook the Crystallic at her. She stayed her ground, but the lines at her mouth grew tight and her face lost some of its color. Rift laughed, "I don't see what your concern is, fair lady. You've lifted your curse and regained your humanity. Don't worry, be happy."

Fred stared at Rift with contempt, the grip on his sword hilt tight. "What do you intend to do now, Rift?"

"I intend for us to get a good night's sleep, because in the morning we continue our journey to the dragon's lair," he told Fred without hesitation and motioned the young knight to return to his blankets. Fred turned to Astra but then Rift called out for them to stop. "I don't want any highjinks tonight," Rift frowned. "I think it best that Tarin bind your hands and feet. I wish I didn't have to inconvenience you, but it seems the most prudent thing to do."

The four foot dwarf stepped up to Astra with some rope but Astra was not about to let anyone tie her up. She reached out to grab Tarin by the throat and use him as a hostage, but the dwarf jerked under her with lightning fast reflexes and thrust a knife against her back. "You may be taller than me now," he hissed, "but I can still kill you six different ways before you knew what was coming. Now be still, we're not gonna kill you. We just want the dead dragon's loot."

Astra blushed with embarressment at her clumsiness. She was amazed at how fast the dwarf had been and eyed him with a new regard. She had been wrong in disregarding him as an oaf; just because he stood only as tall as a small boy did not mean he was as helpless as one.

When both prisoners had been restrained and covered with their blankets, Tarin lay down to sleep as well. Rift would keep the night's second watch. He sat just outside the fire's circle of light and gazed at the crystal in his lap. It made him uneasy, this unknown thing of magic. And Astra was right, he had no idea what the thing could do or how. But the Crystallic seemed to sense what the holder needed. And for now, that was all Rift needed to know. Once they returned to Walants, he would sell it to the Mage Circle. In the meantime, he would use it to keep Fred and Astra in check. He had no desire to harm them, but he would do anything to find that dragon hoard.

Fred lay on his side and tried to get to sleep. Regaining his true form had thrilled him. He had hated being a three foot tall man-fox. But he was still at the mercy of a corrupt barrister and his dwarven aide. And now Rift had the Crystallic. Fred was baffled at what the thing was or how it worked, but he knew it could only bring destruction if it was in the hands of the wrong people. And that was why he thought it was so imperative that he find out about Synizn. With her dying breath, Malachi had told them to give the Crystallic to Synizn. Why?

But first Fred would have to escape from his jailers and take back the magic crystal. And that would have to wait until tomorrow.

  1. Fred closed his eyes and slept. When he awoke...

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