
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 23483


So we've decided that Aaron will, as everyone will have been expecting, become king of Zendara following his father's death, but that when it's time for the Champions to depart he'll fake his own death and his sister Illura will take over. We Champions can be represented as Aaron's advisors, which is true enough, when you think about it.

Since Aaron and Eric/Erica are good friends, Erica should be willing to agree to merging the armed forces of Zendara and Daria. We don't have any intention of overthrowing Erica in proposing this, of course. Quite the reverse, in fact, the idea being to confirm Erica on the Darian throne and be able to deal with any dissident elements.

So we need to talk to Erica to convince her that going along with our plan is in her own best interests. It might have been possible to set up a mage-link, but it seems better to do this face to face, if only because Erica can be assured that Aaron is the genuine article rather than just a magical illusion.

On reflection, we decide that it will be safer if Rebecca doesn't make this trip. She'll remain here, well protected by our forces. Andrea will stay with her, to guard against the remote possibility of some sort of magical attack on her. The rest of the Champions, plus Aaron, Illura and Mirage, will fly to Erica, travelling on magic carpets.

We are just about to leave, when some news comes through that we've been expecting for some time. Aaron and Illura's father has died as a result of his poisoning by a minion of Samuel a week or so ago. We decide that we should therefore call in at the Zendaran capital first. Aaron and Illura want to attend the funeral, and besides it would look bad if they didn't.

  1. We hope that Aaron can be crowned King of Zendara as soon as is decent after the funeral.

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