Well, Fred might not be going to the dogs, but this is close!!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 234

A last resounding syllable reverberates inside Fred's skull, stunning him. Fred shakes his head, clearing his sight, and finds that he's standing alone, naked in a forest! That and . . . . he's feels his entire body tingle!

Fred watchs in fascinated horror as his face pushes out into a muzzle. He feels his ears prick and move to the top of his rapidly reshaping skull. He moans as he feels his tailbone lengthen and become very furry! His feet twist and shift into paws. His hands sprout claws. And he finds that a redish fur is sprouting all over his body.

  1. The transformation ceases and Fred finds himself an anthropomorphic fox!!
  2. The transformation continues, and Fred falls to all fours. He shrinks down to the shape and size of a regular European fox!
  3. Fred finds himself in a strange place. What the heck is a Confurrence?
  4. Something else?

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