How Did I Get Here?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 23387

Fred was between a pickled barrel and hard cheese (as they say in Suffex) and wasn't sure what was the best course of action, but he knew that elves were not to be trusted. As he ran in the opposite direction he couldn't help but think: How did I get myself into this?!?

Only months ago he had been commissioned to slay the Beast of the Southern Caves, and yet it seems like years to Fred. He remembers entering the labyrinth of the Shreken and having an excellent adventure, but then his memory fades, swirls, and becomes quite muddled. I know I didn't kill the damn Wyrm, but since I'm here and not there, King Emry must've changed my plans... I guess The fact that Fred couldn't quite recall the last few months was distressing, the fact that three sixes and a magical handbox kept intruding into his memory was even more distressing, but most distressing of all was the fact that he had completely, utterly, and most fantastically screwed up this quest.

all I had to do was get to Vjorica, go to the Mage's Tower and speak with Quint. Easy enough, but noooooo, I had to fall into the hands of some pyscho hay-mage and his wife! All I wanna do is slay Castellan, - the Impaler - who just happens to be damn near invincible. %$#!!! mages! All I wanted was some advice on how to kill one from folks who I was told hate him anyway! But noooooooo! I killed one to save my hide and now half the &^#@@! town is after me!

Yes indeed, Fred really did screw up this mission. He went to Vjorica as a man in need, they have the know-how needed to kill the Impaler. But now they (or at least those who counted Hamel as a friend) wanted Fred dead.

  1. Fred, deciding to get his bacon out of the frying pan (as the saying goes in Suffex), heads out westwards, away from the elf, away from the mages, and towards the Bavar lands...
  2. Fred accidentally trips on an unseen tree root, he falls and blacks out - the last thought on his conscious mind was: stupid, stupid, stupid!

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