What now?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 23378

"Do you think that this mage or his associates - could be responsible for the outbreaks of magical energy that we've detected recently?" the wizardress asks.

"I believe that it could well be," the mage temporized, after drawing in a sharp breath. "However, then again it could very well be....a bluff. Frankly, if I could have been in physical proximity to that odd mage I might have been able to see to the truthfulness of his boasts with merely a simple spell of truth detection. But...."

He shakes his head slightly, knowing well enough (as the wizardress) that such was not the case and as such need not be said.

"Now, if I was to make a suggestion," he continues, "and only a suggestion since I well know that such matters are out of my purview would be to at least comply for now. Working behind the scenes as we always have done in order to survive from the masses who would stone us for our gifts, even though in the end we do what we do for the greater good....in the long run, of course.

The business with Samuel had left a very bad taste in his mouth and the young mage sometimes now (secretively) had to ask himself if this shadow organization really was all that it claimed to be.

He puts that thought aside as quickly as it comes up. Down that road lay extreme danger (to himself if nothing else).

He then proceeds to lay out his suggestion. It is to free the legitimate king, but in such a way that the odds of Eric discovering who exactly was the author of his release would be low indeed (unless the mystery mage and his cohorts contacted him, naturally). Then a "wait and see" policy would go into effect, to assess the situation and see just what the real intentions (and perhaps powers) the fox eared mage and associates have.

And deal with it in the manner which the situation calls for, for there was a true fear now within the inner circles of Ralph's organization that these chaotic times might spell the end....if the right thing is not done!! The secret Founding Tablets seemed to be coming true, today, some were saying.....

And they shall do what they feel is the right thing, Ralph thinks to himself, no matter how painful it might be.

If the right course of action is possible, of course.

If the fox eared mage IS as powerful as advertised, then Ralph could very well be getting into a "sticky wicket". And the next course of action depends on what the fox eared mage does next. If another magical "storm" should befall....

  1. And these other mages responsible for it. as was seemed to be implied (but never confirmed)...

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