Elsewhere, in an unrelated story....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 22806

Elsewhere, in an unrelated story, someone does something.

And that happens to be....blinking and looking around in confusion.

Several "someones" are doing that, really.....thought not all were doing that in the same place. At the same time, but not the same place!

See, the single initiating source of this latest insanity might have been Karen's Chaos Energy (the same stuff that is in many Addventure 3 story threads what causes a young man named Scott to have so many weird things happen to and around him), but then again, this isn't the ONLY source causing chaos.

More on that later on in a bit.

Her name is Susan and things seemed to have finally gotten around to get clearer for her. Not thinking on the strangeness of not remembering her life before coming to work for the wonderful "Mr. Big" helped much for her. Thinking only made her confused, you see and by the time of the photo shoot the blood signed contract had done wonders in pruning back her brain powers. By this time, she was rather simple and trusting indeed....

However, one person in particular who now calls herself Susan....was just getting ready for her photo shoot (showing a lot of....skin....whilst also showing off the product she was posing for) when the world disappeared in a flash of light for her. At first she put it down as too much flash powder being used.....

But first a wave of utter agony causes her to fall to the ground and faint as if....her mind was getting torn in half!

Ah, but mayhap a little bit of background info is needed for this "Susan", eh?

Very well.

The next is taken from episode 22803 by Horsemaker (aka MSG) and episode 22804 by Ib.

"Nice PEOPLE!" pleads Fred. "Please don't hurt me, nice people! Gloiten!"

The missing link and the others pause, and for one brief moment a slight smile passes over Boron's lips, giving Fred a fleeting impression that missing link appearance aside, this fellow isn't quiet as dim as he appears.

Rather, he rather went into this line of work out of the fun of it all....

Not much of an improvement, really, for Fred's outlooks.

"Okay," Boron says, nodding, "Then all you need to do is sign this contract in regards for damages done to Mr. Big's office door and such...."

"Okay!" Fred nearly shouts in joy, relieved beyond words.

"....in your own blood," Boron finishes up, tilting his head to the side, awaiting the answer.

Naturally, this takes a lot of the joy out of Fred. When, almost hoping against hope, he actually reads over the contents of the contract he...of course....objects most strongly.

That is, of course, where Boron and his friends came in. His team was probably the best "contract negotiators" in the business!

Rather much later, a rather sobbing Fred agrees to sign. Frankly, he'll sign anything or do anything right now to make the PAIN stop!

Contract signed, and magic sealed....the world fades....

The man awoke, standing in this strange room....and he feels he should...remember something about it....

He feels that he should be wearing something more than the simple peasant clothing he is wearing. Something about armor and arms?

But for the life of him, it's....too....

It's gone before he can even grasp it. Anyway, right now he had more problems to deal with than a loss of memory....

Namely, his feet! They'd been bothering him for some time since awakening but NOW! You'd be correct he was duly concerned when his boots began to split apart because of that! He screamed in agony as his feet burst forth from his leathern boots, however besides being bigger those things were now blackend and hardened. They now looked something like what you'd expect either a cow or horse to have!

The changes then seemed to travel down to....to his lower body, namely below his waste. It begins to swell and grow into a a much larger in size even as it changed form as well. Then another pair of legs grew from his altered lower body and he now stood wobbly on four hooves...hooves like a horse.

In shock he goggled k at the new form he now possessed. Numbly, he recognized this form was that of a creature he'd heard of from an old tale....centaurs. Centaurs, a being that was half-human and half- equine.

The changes then traveled upward and the man then felt his chest develop a surging pain. This went on even even as his face seemed to shift into a much more....beautiful configuration. Staggering, he groans and stumbles about on his new lower body even as more changes rolled over him.

His head . . . From there, luxurious, long red hair fell down over his shoulders. Shoulder that were also transformed, which were far smoother and slimmer than they should be. But the BIGGEST surprise of all, folks, was the change to his chest. It was profound: breasts.

BREASTS! There was a lovely, and quite ample, pair of female breasts on his....her... chest. Now her shirt was straining to hold them he noticed, even as her pants had been destroyed by her sudden change into this grotesque. . . .


She shakes his head, blinking.

Him? No....she'd always been a female.... Rather lovely at that . . .

Though not this, as appealing as she somehow suddenly found it..... Nothing grotesque about....

And even that fades, and she mutters about how clumsy she seems today for some reason....

In actuality, it took her some time to become adjusted enough to run on four legs, even clumsily as she did. Worse was the constant bouncing of her new bosom as she trotted back towards the meeting point.

By the time she got to the place of contact, she finally remembered her name....and then forgot having wondered about what her name was. Oh, she still had trouble recalling details of her life....but for some reason that wasn't important to her!

She had to please Mr. Big and this was her golden opportunity. All for the company for those great horseshoes!!

Heck, it was such an HONOR to be by Mr. Big. Of COURSE she'd gladly work for free. He was so generous for providing food and lodging in addition for this honor....

Her ample breasts bobbled as she breathed in a gushing breath, wide eyed and delighted at what was to come....

"Susan!" Mr. Big gushes, coming up to her, "How's our newest model?"

"A little disoriented," she mutters under her breath, "but getting better...I think..."

"Well, that's to be expected, deary," he replies with a wide grin, "try not to think too hard. You'll adjust soon enough, and then we can put you to work!"

Fred...er, Susan is delighted. What an honor to actually work for this charismatic leader!

"Until then," the gnome continues, "you'll be put in the stables with the others. I swear by the Elementals, Boron doesn't have an original bone in his body! I thought this time he might give me something exotic. Like a Siren...or a Mermaid, you know? Well, nevermind all that. Go get your rest, Susan."

Susan is still a little perplexed by all of this. "Susan...yes, that's my name," she assures herself. "But...who are the 'others'?"

"What did I say about thinking!" Mr. Big scolds, stomping his feet and raising a hand as if he means to backhand her. "You'll fit in there, believe me! Boron seems to thrive off of monotony. You know, Aqualarian Foundries sells other products besides horseshoes! I ask for creativity and he gives me another bloody centaur. At least you're a fresh victim...uh, I mean, face."

Susan is embarrassed by her own behavior, and she lowers her head in shame. "I'll try not to think," she pledges. "It's all so confusing..."

Life in the stables is good. The hay's fresh and green. She's groomed and pedicured daily. Often she's given leave to run in the fair pastures with the other centaurs and assorted exotic creatures, a truly exhilarating feeling. Things slowly come together and begin to make sense, and it seemed the less she thinks, the better. Thinking just complicates things...

And then the day of the photo shoot comes, the day she had been waiting for! She knew ahead of time that for some strange reason all those who went for photo shoots never returned. It was rumored amongst the other Models that once the photo shoot was done you would retire to everlasting Paradise alongside Mr. Big himself! How exciting!

"We've got a big problem."

This couldn't be good. It never is when Boron puts it so bluntly. If the brute said there's a problem...there's a problem.

Mr. Big extinguishes his cigar and seats himself at his plush little chair. "What is it this time, Boron?"

"It's those damn annoying Centaur Rights people, their picketing outside the offices!"

Mr. Big is damned by this information. "I'll be damned!" he curses. "What do they expect!? We must maintain a constant influx of fresh new victims...uh, faces! I mean faces! Why do I always get those two words confused? And after we're done with the old Models we have to make room for the new! So what if we grind them into dog food after their usefulness is exhausted!? Who cares!? It's all perfectly 'legal', as long as the international public doesn't catch on. So how did they know about our trade secrets?”

Boron fidgets and hesitates, which is also never a good sign. “Well, you see, sir...seems someone got a hidden camera into the Model holding pens."


"A private investigator from Suffex, sent here to investigate a Duke's missing son...you know who..."

"Oh, great! Give me the full damage report..."

"They didn't actually find any connection between us and the missing Allarian Lord, but they did uncover the way we treat our exotic models..."

Mr. Big sighs. "So now the Aqualarian government doesn't want to show any sign of support or pre-existing knowledge of our efficient operating procedures. Guess we'll have to either appease or destroy the mob, or both...but how...aha! I know!" A little light bulb above Mr. Big's head brightens as he formulates a plan. "Turn that back off, Boron, you're wasting electricity," he gripes.

"Oh, sorry, sir. Thought you might need a little light, it's getting dark in here."

"Well, you don't pay the utility bill, do you? Here's what we'll do; first of all, who do we have on the list for shoots today?"

Boron scans the list of mostly checked names. "There's only one more scheduled for today," he replies. "Susan the Centaur, 3 o'clock photo shoot for the AF Pegasus All-Terrain Horseshoe. Ironic, she’s the very Lord from Suffex the Duke is looking for."

Mr. Big nods, the wheels in his head turning. "When we're done with the broad, we'll let her go. We'll strap explosives to her and send her into the crowd. Should be a good show."

"And how are we going to explain the hidden camera footage to the international community? Word is sure to spread fast, and Dragon Enterprises hates to tarnish it’s reputation...anymore than it has been..."

"Leave that to me."

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