A Meeting is Arranged

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 22698


I hope that Baron Montfort will agree to help us, at least as far as providing some discouragement to Samuel is concerned. It would be ironic if my army's success in destroying my father Hengist's field army, at the cost of most of our own strength, was to open the way for Samuel to move in and take over Zendara. I doubt that my father has enough troops left to withstand him now and, however bad my father's rule might have been, I feel sure that Samuel's would be far worse. I wish I knew what had happened to Eric, the rightful king of Dara, since if he could somehow be put back on his country's throne then all would be well; I fear that he may be dead, though.

The Baron's lands border on Daria, so he would be in the front line in any conflict. I fear that he does not have enough troops left, allowing for the loss of those that he was compelled to provide for Hengist's army, to provide effective resistance for very long should Samuel send in a substantial force. Aaron must know that too. I have a hunch that my brother may be intending to try to assassinate Samuel, as being the only sure way to remove the threat that he poses.

It would have taken several weeks to arrange a meeting with the Baron if we had had to rely on our horses for transport. Fortunately our new friends' magic, and especially their magic carpets, speed things up considerably. (I hope that the Baron won't ask us any awkward questions about how we've managed to get to his castle so fast.) We have to leave my New Amazons in the hopefully safe location where we have made our camp, since they are too many to transport by this means, but Aaron, Rebecca and I have the thrill of a flying trip to the meeting that has been arranged.

We are dropped off a few miles away from the castle, since it wouldn't do to have any of the Baron's people see how we've arrived. We've all agreed that it would be better for our new friends not to come to the meeting with the three of us. We wouldn't want to risk alarming the Baron with these rather outlandish strangers, as he would probably see them. So our friends are going to wait at the dropping-off point. We've brought Rebecca along because, as Samuel's wife, she can provide more convincing witness than anyone as to what kind of man he is.

  1. The Baron seems friendly enough.
  2. The Baron seems hostile, and I begin to fear that we are going to be thrown into his dungeon.

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