Test of an Anglideri

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 22317

"There is no time, Checkers! Explain quickly or I must kill it for our own safety."

"There is no test of the barrel roll."

Fred looked at her, stuck dumb.

She explained. "A dragon would not be able to work up the speed required to perform a barrel roll in this chamber. I would probably not be able to do it. Glideri such as Dolomite Gliders and dragons would know that. An anglideri such as an Aquilarian would not. If Astra had really been a dragon from birth, she would have known this, and asked to perform the test outside the caves, and could have 'proven' her honesty easily. The fact that she tried and failed such an impossible task leads me to believe that she really did just change into a dragon. The difficulty that she had when she first started to fly gave me the idea."

Leaving a dangerous dragon on the ground goes against Fred's instincts, but Checkers' explanation makes sense. "What are we going to do now? Do you know how to change her back?"

"The poem that I read didn't have the heading, 'Changing Princesses into Dragons', if that is what you are hoping. The poem was a pangyric, praising the deeds of the court and citizens of an ancient city. If the poem did transform Astra, finding a way to reverse it may not be simple."

Fred analyzes the situation. On the ground is an injured princess that is in the form of a dragon. Fred is disappointed that he could not have a dragon's head for a trophy, but rescuing a princesses will definitely get him mentioned in the Chronicles of the Heroes of Allaria. He also pities the princess, as she is trapped in a horrible, although powerful form. Sadly, Fred had more experience in fighting than in reversing enchantments. Then Fred has an idea.

  1. Fred takes out the green pellet that he still has in his pocket [10583].
  2. Fred dashes back in the lighted chamber to grab the book. He returns, and notices a feather marking a place. [21981] Fred flips the book open to that place.
  3. Fred dashes back in the lighted chamber to grab the book. He returns, and notices a feather marking a place. Fred pulls out the feather, and it feels strangely hot.

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