Cuthbert's Call

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 21980

Cuthbert Allgood

Jarlath pauses for a moment, wondering how best to continue. Can he make then understand about the breakdown of continuity and its cause?

I may not be a mage, but I can see that. Don't have to read minds (though I probably can in a pinch) to see it, for 'tis written on his face. I know that much. I also know that we do not have much more time to spare before sentiments of those present turn from uncertain towards us to possible hostility.

I do need to do something, whatever the case might be. After all, whilst this quest might not revolve around me (i.e. I might not be the ONLY important "player" here), it would behoove me to step up and do my part, eh?

Don't have a clear idea on what....but....

However, Jarlath's little stunt earlier with his voice has given me the beginning of a possible way to coach the truth in such a way that will be somewhat believable....


Yes, that just might work!

Have to thank him, Frank Herbert, God, and all his attendant gods and goddesss for this. Otherwise, I'm not sure just how things would go from here. Well, have an idea how it would go....and I don't like the images I see....

Thank goodness I read Dune as well as having seen the movie....

I take a deep breath as if to steady and calm myself. Frankly, I've been sounding a bit exasperated with everyone out here and it wouldn't do to keep on that track.

"Brother Jarlath," I chuckle softly, "You always were one to be a bit challenged on words.

Pardon? he mentally shoots my way, You have an idea on how to explain...

Yes, I do actually, I say quickly back, You in fact gave me the germ of the idea.

Just hope that that the germ doesn't evolve into a bug that will turn back and bite us!

"Brothers and Sisters," I say solemnly, "Allow us to introduce ourselves more thoroughly and thus explain our holy mission better."

I put on the best pious face on (with a little bit of religious fanaticism thrown into the eyes for flavor).

"I and the others of my group belong to an order dedicated to the Higher Powers," I say slowly but clearly, "We have a special name for it in the language we speak within our lands."

The best thing about this next part is that it has more elements of truth to it than you might first believe with the first look. Those who "know" about Terra Prime and the Champions, I mean.....

Trust me, I'll explain here soon....

I use a combination of both High and Low Speech (forms of "English" from Midworld that are used within certain social circles from Midworld) to make it exotic enough sounding AND to garble it enough on the off chance that Rebecca won't be able to instantly recognize it and puncture my plan before it's off the ground (as it were).

It's not like I can send a boxtop off to the legendary kingdom of Gilda back on Midworld for the Feathery Ex to deliver another plan, eh?


Oops, sorry. That's a common enough tale (the F.E.) back on my world, but I can see it's not here.

Will explain it sometimes later, okay.

  1. "The Order of Eternity Incorporated," I say to the crowd, looking the part of a religious pilgrim.

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