A very interesting summon...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 21572

"Good. This scroll will summon an ugly, powerful creature that can lift up 100 times it's own weight!" Belboz replies, after being asked to give Fred another scroll.

Fred is handed the scroll and begins to read; "Ego voco hac pusillus creatura!" Suddenly... nothing happened.

"What are you playing at, wizard?" Fred says, clearly frustrated. "Nothing happened.

"Look down, knight." Belboz says smugly.

Fred does as the wizard asks, and sees nothing. Wait! He focuses his eyes a little closer... there's... an ant! "You told me you would summon a creature that can lift one-hundred times it's own weight!" Fred yells, grabbing Belboz by the scruff of the neck.

"But ants can lift one-hundred times their own weight!" Belboz replies hurriedly.

  1. Fred asks if Belboz has any large summons.
  2. Fred can't be bothered with this and walks off.

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