The Scroll, Part Three

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 2146

Even as they worked their way past the long-dead scribes, who made no move to stop them, Fred noiced that the princess's previously impassive countenance had altered. She suddenly seemed troubled, almost fearful. What could have caused this in a woman normally so fearless, he wondered. "Did you say 'Cardasii'?" she asked. "Yes," replied Fred. "Does that mean something to you?" "Perhaps. Let me read the scroll." It had the sound more of a command than a request.

Fred carefully passed the scroll to Thessamar Astra, hoping that it would not disintegrate. Astra looked at it by the light of Fred's torch, then handed it back to him."But it's blank," she said, sounding puzzled. Fred checked, but the scroll was no less legible than before. "It must bear some magic that makes it readable only by the intended recipient," he suggested. "Now, Princess, what do you know about the Cardasii?" Astra replied:

  1. "First read the scroll to me."
  2. "I'm sorry; I was mistaken. The word means nothing to me." Fred did not believe that for one moment.
  3. "Sir John has been attempting to raise up the Cardasii, fortunately without success as yet. He thinks he can control them."

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