Fred VS the Drunk

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 210

"I don't have time for this," Fred mutters to himself. He rolls up his sleaves and prepares to pummel Bruno, the drunk, into submission.


Fred was slammed hard by Bruno before he could even get one punch off. Bruno said, "I may be known as the town drunkard, but as a bear I have a little more authority." Bruno grabbed Fred and carried down a short passage. He had a cage of some sort, threw Fred inside, and locked the door.

"Why are you doing this?" whimpered Fred.

"I told you, I want you to lift my curse."

"I don't have time! I have a dragon to quest after."

"Well, now you do have the time. I'm going to lock you up until you agree to help me. What do you want to do?"

  1. Fred agrees to help.
  2. Fred does not agree to help. He tries to escape when the bear leaves him alone in his cage.

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