Fred rescues the naked women.

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 20742

Fred swiftly draws his sword and brings it down on the linked bit of the chain, causing a large spark -CLANG!- and breaks apart, freeing the woman of her rich burden.
Fred looks at the woman quizically and says, 'So, how'd you happen to get yourself in this predicament?'
She shyly puts a hand over her bare breast and tells Fred an amazing tale of adventure. One that brought her before a rickity old man standing on a bridge. He raised his hands in the air and called 'None Shall Pass!, Unless thou passes they test!'
Of course, being a curious little minx, she decided to take this odd test, which was simply to answer "What is the air speed velocity of a sparrow?!" Of which she did not know.
Sadly, the poor naked woman wept and fell into Fred's arms saying 'Oh! Now I'll never complete my quest, I'm sure it is too late!'
Fred lifts the woman to her feet and says that it certainly has been too long and that he would like for her to join him in his adventure. He explains everything the Good King told him and after quite some thought...she agree's. Fred is happy...she's purty!
As Fred and the woman begin to walk away, she grabs his arm and says 'Shouldn't we take some of this gold?
Fred stops to think and then says..

  1. 'Why yes, that's a grand idea!'
  2. 'Nah, I'm loaded...I can afford everything'
  3. 'You know, I don't even know your name'
  4. with an evil grin 'Yes, we'll need it to buy some supplies later'

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