There's Always A Catch

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 20679

"Well, I am deeply in your debt, Belboz!" Fred the Blue Dragon was gratified. "The spell worked perfectly!"

"Just come back later after you've defeated the Evil Dragon of the Caves... wherever she is. I'd like to have the help of a dragon." Belboz was in his most buisnesslike manner.

"We'll see. Gee, I feel weird... GRK!" A lightning bolt ripped out of Fred's snout!

Belboz frantically slashed at the air with his staff. The magical shield he created was enough to stop the bolt. "That's one thing to note- you're going to need to practice your breath control. And your flying."

"Ack! I don't know how! How do I?"

  1. "Beats me. You're the dragon, not me."
  2. "I'll tell you... for a price."
  3. "Does it matter?"
  4. "Well, that would be another spell."
  5. "I warned you there was a catch."

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Kistaro Windrider

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