Shiny Things

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 19573

"Hehehe," Fred chuckles, sitting down to play with the shiny things. "Shiny things are fun."

It was a warm day outside and Fred could hear birds trilling in the garden, and then he could've sworn he heard movement. He reluctantly lay aside the shiny things and peered through a crack in the shed.

"Crap! It's her!" Fred cursed. Moving through the garden was the naked woman he had seen earlier, the one who had not seemed opposed to him touching her.

"What would my father have said in this situation?" Fred thought. His father... slain by the dragon. The memory still lit Fred's soul with the flames of unquenchable, unholy rage. "No... I must not die here in this faerie trap - I must avenge my father's death!"

  1. Fred breaks down the wall of the shed and attacks the naked women.
  2. Fred runs, as usual, back through the entrance to the Southern Caves.
  3. Fred turns back to playing with the shinies... of course... shinies!!

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