Samantha to the rescue!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17717

Sighs when he still finds his daughter missing, and his wife still a teenage black puma morph. Scott calms his wife down, even though he feels like running through the hallways and show a little panic himself. Samantha gathers herself, still a Star Fleet Officer, and both heads to the Bridge. Hopefully, one of the Captains will have an idea what the Hell is going on!

But, before the couple can step out of the turbolift onto the bridge . . . . the world goes even more wacky!

Furry Samantha Wildman clutches her sensitive ears as what sounds like . . . . an oil tanker getting slam dunked, goes off all around her! She screams in pain, then opens her eyes in confusion as she finds herself on the bridge . . . except the bridge has a off color, too bright color to it! Also, the people there seem to be acting strange.

"Savage." human Janeway says. Then Samantha blinks as the scene shifts to the Ready Room, strangely, it looks like when she had to tell her Captain Janeway that she was pregnant!

"Odd, but driven." furry Janeway says, puzzled. "Something that appears to be of this universe, but really isn't. Explain yourself!"

Samantha Wildman suddenly makes the connection. These seem to be this universes version of the Bajoran Wormhole aliens! Why they are doing out here and bothering the Voyager is beyond her, but . . . .

"Before I answer that, by any chance are you responsible for the de-aging of the crew, and the disappearance of my and my analog's daughter?" Samantha asks, hoping against hope. This brings on a flurry of questions that, if the Author felt like it, would take up a page and then some in words. What it boils down to is this. They ARE indeed involved in this mess with the Voyager. Samantha tells how the Voyager came here, and tells what lead up to it. The Aliens are fascinated about the Q (seems that they never met, much less heard, of the Q). They are also fascinated by the strange nature of the mortals perspective of time. Finally, after a long argument between one moderate faction of the Warphole Aliens, and another faction that Samantha thinks is the Par Wraiths, it is decided that these Voyager creatures are not at fault at disturbing the their peace. Indeed, it gave them something to do!

Furthermore, one thing happens that Samantha thought never would happen. In addition to returning the Voyager crew to normal, thus returning the Naomis back, unharmed, and the Wormhole Aliens APOLOGIZE! That was a running joke that Scott had shared with her. One of the plots that would never be seen in a Star Trek show was were godlike aliens would abduct the crew of a Star Fleet ship, and the apologize for making a mistake. Samantha knows that in Scott's universe, there was a 2D show that had the Voyager as a work of fiction . . . . That still was a matter of discussion aboard the ship (but it was concluded that, in a multitude of infinite universes, something like that had to happen).

She finds herself in her room with Scott.

"Mommy!" squeals Naomi as she rush into her mother's arms. Scott comes over and shares a three way hug between her and his daughter

The next day is kind of hetic for both Samantha's.....

  1. Let us follow Samantha for a while, shall we?

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