Recruiting Tiffany.

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17455

You burst into Tiffany's room, Tiffany of course being your fifteen-year- old sister. She's on her bed listening to death metal and trying to slit her wrists with a rusty dagger.

"What do you want?" she asks peevishly.

"Did you hear that thump?" you ask, taking another bite of your sandwich. Mmm, that's good.

"No." Tiffany says, getting up, rusted dagger in hand.

"Let's go." you say. You and Tiffany exit the room and behold...

The warped doorway to another space and time! That loud thump is ever louder and clearer.

"Get ready to fight!" you tell Tiffany, finishing your sandwich and pulling out your nunchucks.

"Right." Tiffany says. "To fight. Do you have any idea what's going on here?!"

Suddenly, White Demon Kristobal bursts through the portal. You are fairly stunned.

  1. Give up at once.
  2. Fight! You swore that day five years ago, to fight the Demon Spawn wherever they may lurk.

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