Lost in Spacetime?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17450

The transparent column in the center of the strange console began to move, and an odd grinding sound filled the room. In a moment it stopped, and Stacy supposed that, hard as it was to believe, that must mean they'd reached the moon.

"Drat!" exclaimed the Doctor, slapping his hand against the edge of the console. The Master peered over his shoulder at something on the control panel and promptly raised his gun to bear on the Doctor. "What are you playing at, Doctor? These aren't the coordinates for Earth's moon!"

"I know that, you idiot!" The Doctor glared at him accusingly. "And it's entirely your fault. You know my TARDIS doesn't do very well on these short hops!" Huh? thought Stacy. The MOON is a "short hop?"

"If we're not on the moon," piped up Melissa, "can we at least see where we are?" With a nod, the Doctor flicked another control, and a panel on the wall slid up to reveal...

  1. Exotic and stunning looking buildings take shape....along with with four almost identical looking raven haired women (with varying hairstyles) staring at them....and what Stacy fancies as elves, dwarves and griffins in the background?!

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