Just One Way?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1732

The two demi-foxes wait with increasing impatience. Eventually, a day or so later, Synizn returns. "There is just one way of doing this that I can see," he tells them. As I told you, I can't change Astra whilst she is pregnant, and by the time she has given birth it would be too late. What I can do, however, is magically accelerate the pregnancy, so she gives birth within the time limit. Then I can use the Crystallic to change her back, and once that is done then I can change Fred back. I can also change the cubs to human, in similar fashion. You will need to come back to my laboratory for me to do all this."

Astra pales. She had always intended to settle down eventually and raise a family, but not just yet. How will she manage to suckle as many as six young, and bring them up? Will she be accepted back into the royal family with six babies in tow? If so, then wet-nurses may be available. And what will Fred be like as a mate and father? Although she has grown very fond of him, she has adter all only known him for a week or so. Will he stand by her? She takes a deep breath and says:

  1. "Let's get on with it, then."
  2. "Is there really no other way?"
  3. "Let's do it," sighs Astra. (take two)

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