The Man from the Shadows

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1691

The owner of the voice emerged from the shadows. He was quite a small man, and Astra thought that she could take him out readily enough in hand to hand combat. Unfortunately he had a crossbow trained on them, which rather loaded the odds. "Well, well," said the man. "Two ladies of quality by the look of it." "Do you know who I am?" asked Andrea, clearly used to pulling rank to get her own way. Astra groaned inwardly, and nudged her in the ribs, but Andrea failed to take the hint. "I am Lady Andrea Croix and this is Princess Astra of Aquilaria." The man chuckled. "Quite a catch," he said. "I am sure that when the news is passed to Minestus he will be most interested. Now if you, Andy, will kindly dismount, and if you, Astra, will drop your claymore, I will escort you both to a nice comfortable dungeon cell, where you can be held whilst I get orders on what is to be done with you."

Andrea bristled at the man's familiar tone...

  1. But more armed men emerged from the shadows, and she and Astra reluctantly complied.
  2. And spurred her horse at the man in an attempt to run him down.
  3. Astra made as if to drop her claymore, then threw it at the man point first.

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