Kill the King!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 165

"Okay," says Fred, who really has no love for a King that would send him out on a quest that has no end! "I'll kill the King."
With that, the Pain Technician (we used to call them torturers, but ever since they got organised, it's "pain technicians"...) laughs gleefully and Fred finds himself back home, in front of the castle gates.
Well. He's off to kill a monarch! How exactly does one do that, he wondered? He wracked his brains for similar cases, thinking about such things as "I, Claudius" and "Start the Revolution Without Me!" but for some reason, poisoning, silver daggers, beheadings, stabbing and smashing people's brains out against a wall just didn't sound right.
Still, he had to do SOMEthing to kill the King, otherwise the Chief Pain Technician would have control of him forever. He shuddered. No, he couldn't go that way.
So Lord Fred considered his options.

  1. He decides to just charge into the throne room like a loony and whack the King's head off with his sword before anyone can react, regardless of the consequences.
  2. He decides to be sneaky and kill the King with poison in his wine or something.
  3. He decides to get one of the servants to help him with his plot.
  4. He decides to get some of the other nobles, who are also hungry for more power, to help him.
  5. He decides to pretend to kill the King and hope that fools the Pain Technician.
  6. He decides to just run away and forget the whole thing.
  7. He decides to raise an army and overthrow the kingdom

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