
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 16382

You see, Fred is secretly a pyromaniac. He hid these desires to keep him from being hanged as a heretic, but, sometimes late at night, he would burn things. He started the Great Fire, which burned half of the village a few years ago. "Yes, I'll help..." Fred said, and then plunged a torch into Nitch's fur. Nitch screamed in painful agony, and rolled around the floor. Fred, now in a full state of pyromania, continued to thrust the torch into Nitch, who was already dead of severe burns. After a few moments, Fred stood up, grabbed Nitch's supplies and the gold in the chest, and continued on his way. Suddenly, some more rat- people appeared in the tunnel. They appeared to be the "others" Nitch had spoken of. They advanced on Fred, crossbows pointed, and spears readied.

  1. Fred rushes the rats.
  2. Fred turns and runs.

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