Fred's Now-Cursed Sword

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1632

"Well, this is just great." said Lord Fred. "How can I set anything on fire if I can't hit it!?"

Fred continued on his quest. He kept his now useless sword with him because if the magician wasn't lying, it would become useful later. Fred passed through a chamber with magical crates left alone two doors with strange sounds coming from behind them.

Soon, Fred came to a small turn in the passageway. The wall on the left bulged out, creating a small area one would have to scoot through. So Fred stripped naked, tied his armor in a bundle and slid through the opening that way. On the other side he spent a few minutes getting re-armed.

Then bizarre creatures attacked. They were mobile, but they seemed to have no discernible body shape. The color of what might be called skin was bright, eye-peircing yellow.

Fred punched and kicked and slashed with his dagger. He would have retreated but he didn't have time to re-strip. He finally kicked one of the things out of the way, making a clear path. Fred ran.

Fred found himself perched on a ledge as the yellow-things gathered below, clicking madly. To his left, a big blue door led into darkness. (There had been a staircase here, but it had been destroyed). Before Fred went through the blue door, he checked his sword. Is it still cursed?

  1. Yes it is.
  2. No it is not.

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